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Paving Asphalt Class A Driver/ Asphalt Worker/Employment

At ASAP Paving, our business, workers, and clients are like our family. Family Owned since 1979 the dedicated work of our team is why our clients recommend us. Everyone on our team takes pride in looking around our community and seeing everything they have built over the years. We are committed to improving the paved surfaces in our community with our paving services, and we have been doing just that for more than forty years. Children have grown up playing on the driveways we installed. Small businesses have grown and flourished with one of our parking lots in front of their building. In 2017, our years of paving service in the community were rewarded with a certification by the Gold Shovel Standard, a program for contractors that uphold the highest standards and practices.


Class A Driver/ Asphalt Worker
Starting $30.00 Per Hr


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Competitive wage commensurate with experience. Includes comprehensive benefits package.


Main responsibilities:
• Maintain truck log according to state and federal regulations when traveling out of state.
• Maintain all paperwork.
• Maintain constant contact with Foreman to receive pickup and/or delivery instructions, and keep them informed of any safety issues.
• Inspect truck equipment and supplies such as tires, lights, brakes, gas, oil, and water to ensure road worthiness.
• Must have knowledge and conduct maintenance of single and multi-rear axle trucks meeting the requirement for California Commercial Driver’s Licensing to include general knowledge of laws and regulations.
• Perform Pre-trip inspections (correctly complete driver’s log book) on vehicle and be able to explain what one inspects and why.
• Maneuver and control the vehicle in a safe fashion, which includes handling the vehicle on-site and in over the road situations, proper signaling, searching for hazards, controlling speed, lane positioning, matching speed to road conditions and the ability to drive daytime or nighttime.
• Safely load and unload all equipment/materials over all terrains, and properly secure loads.
• Responsible for routing fueling, lubricating, and basic servicing of vehicle
• Must understand air brakes system if the vehicle is equipped with the system
• When not driving, will be directed by shop foreman on tasks that need to be completed around shop or yard.
• May need to occasionally lift and carry up to 50lbs.
• Must be able to perform all of the above job functions in a safe manner in order to avoid personal injury and equipment damage.
• Must be open to some labor work when not operating a vehicle and be able to assist ground crews on daily tasks
• Must have a current and valid Commercial Driver’s License for the State of California
• Previous commercial driving experience.
Physical Requirements:
• Must have good eyesight
• Able to drive up to 8/10 hours daily


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Competitive wage commensurate with experience. Includes comprehensive benefits package.

Apply Now

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